Bush Unbound

I lied.  One other very pertinent article about what to look forward to in the years to come: Brought along with Bush is a gallery of grotesques in the Senate—more than one of the new senators advocating capital punishment for abortion, another urging that all gay teachers be fired, yet another revealed as suffering from obvious symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Final Thoughts

Probably the last post I’ll make on the subject of the election, Boing Boing has an excellent thread of comments including this one from Billy Hayes: Bush likes to use old Texas sayings a lot. I have one for him. In Texas there is a saying that goes, ‘Give em enough rope and they will hang themselves.’ Well, I guess … Read More

“It’s Your Fault”

From author John Shirley’s site If you just accepted Diebolt’s rigged voting machines, then it’s your fault we’re heading into an Ashcroftian  fascist state. If you –like too many people in New Mexico–just accepted the Republicans’ blocking of the registration of Hispanic voters, widely reported in NM, then it’s your fault that the poor will be increasingly enslaved and disenfranchised … Read More

"It's Your Fault"

From author John Shirley’s site If you just accepted Diebolt’s rigged voting machines, then it’s your fault we’re heading into an Ashcroftian  fascist state. If you –like too many people in New Mexico–just accepted the Republicans’ blocking of the registration of Hispanic voters, widely reported in NM, then it’s your fault that the poor will be increasingly enslaved and disenfranchised … Read More

Some Thoughts on the OBL Tape

William Gibson thinks OBL would prefer to see Bush re-elected and that his new tape was a clever attempt at helping that happen: I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest that OBL fears Kerry any more than Bush. But Kerry can only comprise an unknown, and why allow the other team to introduce an unknown when your familiar power-symbiote … Read More

Internet Vets for Truth

For the one or two people in the US that still need to be informed that Bush is pretty much a dangerous bozo, the Internet Vets for Truth give you tons of material as torrents and quicktime movies for consumption. This is a good central place with a bevy of clips from miscellaneous sources including some from "Going Upriver", Eminem’s … Read More

Ouch, Caught Lying Again

Barrels inside the Al-Qaqaa facility appear on videotape shot by ABC television affiliate KSTP of St. Paul, Minn., which had a crew embedded with the 101st Airborne Division when it passed through Al-Qaqaa on April 18, 2003 — nine days after Baghdad fell.

More Kerry Stuff

Here’s a bit of an interesting quote from today’s AP article about the campaigning.  Kerry said: "About a year ago, when things weren’t going so well in my campaign, somebody called a radio talk show and they said, thinking they were just cutting me right to the quick, they said ‘John Kerry won’t be the president until the Red Sox … Read More

W's Website Blocked Outside US

From the BBC: The international exclusion zone around georgewbush.com was spotted by net monitoring firm Netcraft which keeps an eye on traffic patterns across many different sites. Netcraft said that since the early hours of 25 October attempts to view the site through its monitoring stations in London, Amsterdam and Sydney failed. By contrast Netcraft’s four monitoring stations in the … Read More

W’s Website Blocked Outside US

From the BBC: The international exclusion zone around georgewbush.com was spotted by net monitoring firm Netcraft which keeps an eye on traffic patterns across many different sites. Netcraft said that since the early hours of 25 October attempts to view the site through its monitoring stations in London, Amsterdam and Sydney failed. By contrast Netcraft’s four monitoring stations in the … Read More